Welcome to the COMS Club
Professional Development Monthly!
Spinning-off our Events and Internships segment from the Weekly COMS Club Newsletter, this monthly newsletter will curate internship, event, and professional development resources for COMS students!
Each issue will showcase not only some interesting opportunities for students, but also feature a different professional development theme.
Survey: COMS 413 Mentor/Mentee Relations - Complete by 2/18
Our focus will be on mentor/mentee relations, thus we are putting out a survey to try to gain a better understanding of how college students feel about mentor/mentee programs and their own experiences with mentor/mentee programs. We are aiming to be done with the survey by Thursday February 18th. We really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out the form below!! Thank you!
Survey: Feedback and Self-Esteem - Complete by 2/28
I'm currently working on a group research project on Feedback and Self-Esteem. At this time, we're recruiting people to participate in our study, and it should only take about 5-minutes of your time. To participate, just click on the following link: https://bit.ly/3jeLnXO. Your response is really important to us and we appreciate your point of view!
Please participate by February 28th, 2021 as our project is due then. Thanks so much for your time! If you have questions, please contact akviggia@calpoly.edu. This group project is being conducted by Alison Viggiano, Katherine Holmes, Annalise McNeill, and Chris Martinez.
Join the Cal Poly Communication Department LinkedIn Page!
Link to join: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/6791592/
Lambda Pi Eta Winter Book Drive - 2/8 to 2/26
For their yearly philanthropic service activity, Lambda Pi Eta is running a month-long Book Drive campaign with local schools in San Luis Obispo County. Learn all the ways you can give the gift of reading this February: https://comsclubcalpoly.wixsite.com/official/lphbookdrive
19th Annual Change the Status Quo: Social Justice Leadership Conference - Saturday, 2/27
This is the 19th annual student-led Change the Status Quo Conference hosted by the Center for Service in Action, and the first ever virtual event! The goal of the conference remains the same; to empower attendees to use the Learn by Doing spirit to challenge social norms, ask critical questions, demand solutions and make lasting social change. Through an inspiring keynote and engaging workshop sessions, our hope is attendees will leave the conference with a new-found sense and understanding of social justice, and how they can take ownership of their role in moving the needle with regard to social change. Register for the free event here!
"The No-State 'Solution': Inter/Nationalisms and the Question of Queer Theory" with Dr Jasbir K. Puar - Friday, 3/5 at 10am
In this talk, Dr. Puar will review nation-state based queer theory from the last three decades and explore what queer theories of anti-nationalism, non-nationalism, and no-state solutions could entail, converging with work in Black and Indigenous studies and movements in Palestine. More details and registration here!
Quarter Plus Summer Learning Assistant - Deadline: 2/26
Learning Assistants for COMS 101 in the summer with Quarter Plus program
Download application materials here: 1) Position Description and 2) Application
Jack Montoya Memorial Scholarship - Deadline: 3/15
The Jack Montoya Memorial Scholarship Fund was established to support Native people who are California residents and show genuine support of and actively promote cultural revitalization. Learn more here: https://www.hafoundation.org/Montoya
To Keep On Your Radar: COMS Club Executive Board Recruitment
Interested in student leadership? Have creative ideas for community building? Passionate about COMS?
If any of the above interest you, apply to be an Executive Board Member for the Cal Poly COMS Club for the 2021-2022 academic year! More details are soon to come. Until then, feel free to connect with COMS Club on our Instagram@calpolyslocomsclub and show interest at our general meetings. If any questions come up, contact us at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com.
sprinkle: an undergraduate journal of feminist and queer studies Vol.14 Call for Submissions - Deadline: 4/1
For those of you unfamiliar with sprinkle, it is a student-run, peer-reviewed journal that we publish in the WGS Department at Cal Poly (one issue per year) to showcase the diverse voices of emerging scholar-activists, authors, and artists in feminist and queer studies and related fields of inquiry. Link to learn more and send submissions here: https://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/sprinkle/callforsubmissions.html
It's common to be burnt out mid-quarter - don't give up! Below are some resources to support your wellness as we enter the second half of the quarter.
Mental Health and Wellness - Counseling Services
Campus counselling: https://chw.calpoly.edu/counseling
Local counselling services (for SLO residents) through CLA Psychology and Child Development Department: https://psycd.calpoly.edu/community-programs/counseling-clinic
CP Essentials: https://basicneeds.calpoly.edu/
Cal Poly Disability Resource Center: https://drc.calpoly.edu/
Ombuds Services (Safe place for student advising): https://ombuds.calpoly.edu/
SAFER (Hollistic services for gender- & power-based violence): https://safer.calpoly.edu/
Support for Underrepresented Students
“I Am First Gen” (Portal for First-Gen students): https://diversity.calpoly.edu/i-am-first-gen
Student Diversity and Belonging: https://culture.calpoly.edu/
Virtual Resources from Student Diversity and Belonging: https://culture.calpoly.edu/VirtualResources
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for club updates and news Follow our Google Calendar to be reminded of all our meetings
COMS Club is happy to consider posting your event, survey, or open position as part of our newsletter.
Send us a message at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com with any and all tips!
The Cal Poly SLO COMS Club is the official Communication Studies club for Cal Poly SLO. We celebrate communication studies, supporting mentorship and professional development for the Cal Poly COMS community. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com.
This newsletter was originally sent to our COMS Newsletter subscribers on February 23, 2021. Subscribe here to get your newsletter directly delivered to your email every 3rd Monday of the month!