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[S'21] Professional Development Monthly: Issue 4



Welcome to the COMS Club

Professional Development Monthly!

Spinning-off our Events and Internships segment from the Weekly COMS Club Newsletter, this monthly newsletter will curate internship, event, and professional development resources for COMS students!

Each issue will showcase not only some interesting opportunities for students, but also feature a different professional development theme.


AACCS Outreach - Kaela Conrad


I hope this quarter has been going smoothly so far! I am here representing Abolition Action Central Coast SLO (AACCS) and Students for a Quality Education (SQE)! Some of your club members might know about these organizations and the social justice efforts we've been engaged in here at Cal Poly and on the Central Coast; we're reaching out to your club to let you know what we're all about and get interested students involved with this work! These groups are for anyone who cares about justice & making marginalized peoples' lives better. We are stronger together and can make real and tangible changes in our communities and on our campus!

**Please forward this email to your club members or let them know at your next meeting. We can add people to an email list if they want to stay in the loop as well!**

We have concrete measures for Cal Poly Admin + for SLO City Council that we've been bringing forward to address issues of inequity & inequality here in SLO; what our student & community groups are advocating for is:

->On the Cal Poly campus: ensuring that they fulfill their promise of providing well-resourced Black/Latinx/Native resource centers & additional Safer advocates that we've needed for So long, as well as disarming UPD + redirecting funding from them to initiatives like Safer that actually keep people safe

->In SLO city: divesting from SLOPD and enacting Full rent/mortgage/utility relief for all from whatever source they can find, since this city's so expensive to live in and the covid crisis has been so hard financially for so many!

We'd love to get your input on these requests and talk about how we can all try to achieve these goals together! We can also set up a time to talk more with yall if members are interested!

Feel free to check out our Instagram for more information and updates (@_aaccs_) and don't hesitate to reach out for an interest form!


Clarity Technology Partners - Collin McGrew

Collin McGrew, who currently works for Clarity Technology Partners reached out regarding the potential to hire graduates who can start full time as well as those interested in the internship program. Collin would be the main contact person for those interested; his LinkedIn is at

Active network of top performers in a variety of skill sets

· Make strategic connections with appropriate user groups, universities and trade schools in order to cultivate top talent

· Identify target clients and projects for leads; business development/growth opportunities

· Maintain effective relationships with candidates and placements

· Work with other team members in finding solutions for them and/or their clients

· Fill job openings in a timely manner

· Proactively identify the best suitable candidate for client requirements

· Determine candidates’ soft skills and optimal work environment

· Technically qualify candidates through a thorough interviewing and screening process

· Prepare candidates for client interviews

· Complete reference checks for candidate’s prior performance evaluation

· Assist with salary analysis, negotiations, and preparation of offer requests

· Follow through to acceptance and start

Clarity Technology Partners, LLC offers employees a competitive compensation package including base salary with aggressive commission structure as well as medical/dental insurance coverage, bonuses, and paid time off. We have a positive, supportive and fun environment, with a work hard/play hard approach.


Undergraduate Research Week - April 19th - 27th (Various Dates)

Cal Poly Undergraduate Research Week events are open to all members of the Cal Poly community and all disciplines. They are sponsored by the Office of Student Research in coordination with the BEACoN Mentors Program, the College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Dream Center, the CSU-LSAMP Program, and the Multicultural Engineering Program. Questions? Contact More details and links to events here!

Panel Discussion: “In Between: Race, Identity, and Belonging Among Arab Americans" - April 21 at 5:30pm

Join Dr. Gualtieri and local SWANA community members to share history of immigration and experiences of belonging in the USA and SLO County. Tickets can be found here.

Movie and Discussion: "Real Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People" - April 27 at 6pm

Join us for a screening of this groundbreaking documentary that examines Hollywood’s long history of Arab stereotyping. Tickets can be found here.

Speaker: Anthony Hatch and "Silent Cells: The Secret Drugging of Captive America" - April 29 at 4pm

Anthony Hatch will give a talk on his book Silent Cells: The Secret Drugging of Captive America. Anthony Ryan Hatch is an associate professor in the Science in Society program at Wesleyan University. He is the author of Blood Sugar: Racial Pharmacology and Food Justice in Black America (Minnesota, 2016). Webinar ID: 822 4395 5872 / Passcode: 583721 CROSSROADS Conversation Series - Various Dates

This quarter's Crossroads will be a three-part conversation series featuring multiracial members of the Cal Poly community. Join us for interactive discussions about navigating mixed identity at Cal Poly (and beyond). All are welcome and we encourage attendees to ask questions and share their own experiences! For additional session details, visit The two upcoming events will be:

  • May 4, 1-2pm: LEARNING TO LEAD featuring Erica A. Stewart

  • May 25, 1-2pm: NAMING & CLAIMING MIXED IDENTITY featuring Kari Mansager


Call for Participants: BIPOC Students Perception of Campus Climate - ASAP

Message from Dr. Sonia Ramrakhiani, Assistant Professor in Higher Education Counseling and Student Affairs at Cal Poly: I am conducting a research study on the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and other Students of Color (BIPOC) and their perceptions of the campus climate. I value your perspective and hope to take this opportunity to invite you to assist me in my research on this topic. Your contribution will be truly valuable to our work of understanding the diversity, equity, and inclusion issues on our campus and in improving those over time. If you identify as Black, Indigenous and/or as a Student of Color (BIPOC), I hope you will consider participating in this research. We are hoping to conduct a focus-group interviews, followed by an individual interview on Zoom.

If you are interested in participating, please review the attached Informed Consent document or feel free to email me: if you have any questions or concerns. Once you email me or anyone on the team, we will arrange with you a convenient date and time to conduct the interview over Zoom. Please let me know if you are willing to participate and the dates and times which you might be free to meet. We appreciate your time and consideration.

Informed Consent document can be found here.Cal Poly Center for Health Research - COVID19 Research Showcase - Deadline: 4/19

Cal Poly’s Center for Health Research invites faculty, students, and staff to submit an abstract that showcases research and results of innovations and initiatives related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Center for Health Research 4th Annual Conference will take place on May 20, 2021, at 11:10 am. Six abstracts will be selected for a 10-minute oral presentation with 5 minutes planned for questions and discussion at the conference. Interest form here.

COMS Club Executive Board Recruitment - Deadline: 4/23

Interested in student leadership? Have creative ideas for community building? Passionate about COMS?

If any of the above interest you, apply to be an Executive Board Member for the Cal Poly COMS Club for the 2021-2022 academic year! More details are soon to come. Until then, feel free to connect with COMS Club on our Instagram@calpolyslocomsclub and show interest at our general meetings. If any questions come up, contact us at Learn more about each position at and apply today!

WGS Scholarships - Deadline: 4/30

The Women's & Gender Studies Department is accepting scholarship applications for the 2021-22 academic year! Take these steps now to make sure you are considered. Note: Students do NOT have to be a WGS and/or QS Minor to be eligible for any of these awards. More information here!

CLA Ambassadors Applications - Deadline: 5/1

The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) Ambassadors is a student run organization that represents the College of Liberal Arts in visible public relations roles. Student ambassadors participate in events such as Orientation, Open House, advisory councils, Liberal Arts Week, campus tours, and alumni events. Student Ambassadors represent the College of Liberal Arts and interact with the Cal Poly community, prospective students, supporters and alumni. Most notably, CLA Ambassadors host weekly information sessions for prospective students. Apply here.

CLA Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURPS) - (Student Application) Deadline: 5/14

Applications are now being accepted for the CLA Summer Undergraduate Research Program. Up to 9 faculty projects will be available for student applications. Funded projects will be available for students to review and apply for by May 1. Please join us for information sessions to address additional questions. Full details available in the SURP Request for Proposals. More information here.

"Through the Eyes of the Othered" Senior Project - Art Exhibition - Deadline: 5/14

Message from Maddie Roman: I’m calling for Cal Poly students from marginalized communities (women, POC, LGBTQ+, gender non-conforming, etc) to submit artwork for an upcoming juried exhibit, “Through the Eyes of the Othered”.

As my senior project, this exhibition will feature artists from marginalized backgrounds and highlight the intersection between art, society, and social justice. Interest form here.


Fantastic work making it to the last section of this lengthy newsletter! As there are so many opportunities coming up, what are some ways to plan ahead to make sure you're prepared for the internships, work, and other exciting upcoming learning opportunities here's our PLAN AHEAD CHECKLIST!

1. Identify your interests

Figure out what you're interested in. And if you're interested in everything, then try to categorize/label out the different categories of things you're interested in (ex. Public Relations, Public Service, and Pet Sitting). It can be helpful to also figure out what you AREN'T interested in...!

Throw your list into a spreadsheet, a document, or just your Notes app on your phone - have it somewhere where you can edit it, add new things you're interested in, and (most importantly) save links to applications and other resources.

2. Check your Degree Planner/PolyProfile/Academic Progress

While you're planning for the future, don't forget about the present! Make sure you check your Degree Planner and PolyProfileAcademic Progress regularly(-ish). It's mandatory to check-in at least once a quarter to update your intended courses, but even so, don't be afraid to go into the Academics tab in your Portal to double check everything's in order.

Your PolyProfile is a great place to get some inspiration for identifying your interests as well. Use the resource to get a quick refresh on what courses you've taken, what's interesting to you, and what projects you've done in each course. (Protip: If you see a pattern in course or project topics, that might be something you can look into more!)

3. Check in with someone

And as you figure it all out - you are not alone! Cal Poly offers academic and career counseling. If you're at a lost about what your next steps might look like, bring your concerns to a professional. They can double-check your work and offer and direct you to resources.

And for any upcoming graduates, COMS Club will be hosting a general meeting about post-graduation planning with Cal Poly Career Services on June 6th! Keep up to date with all our meetings on our website!

4. Do your research!

After figuring out the things you're interested in (or might be interested in), do a bit of research on the industry. This can be done in a number of ways: reading reviews about the company/position online, look through blogs and threads (like AskAManager), or directly schedule an informational interview with someone working in a position or industry you're interested in learning more about.


Go for it! Send that application! Write that cover letter! Make that meeting!

The opportunity is only available if you press send on the application. Whether or not you get the position, you've made your impression and you've (hopefully) gained some more experience doing so. Continue to edit and update your application materials and regularly assess your work!

(Note that this is based on personal opinions and experience! There are many other ways to plan ahead and prepare for internship/job searching. Find the method that works the best for you! 🌻)


Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for club updates and news Follow our Google Calendar  to be reminded of all our meetings

COMS Club is happy to consider posting your event, survey, or open position as part of our newsletter.

Send us a message at with any and all tips!


The Cal Poly SLO COMS Club is the official Communication Studies club for Cal Poly SLO. We celebrate communication studies, supporting mentorship and professional development for the Cal Poly COMS community. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

This newsletter was originally sent to our COMS Newsletter subscribers on April 20th, 2021. Subscribe here to get your newsletter directly delivered to your email every 3rd Monday of the month!


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