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[W'21] Newsletter 20: Week Ten!



How many poems sleep in dictionaries

buried like needles in hay

How many poets not yet born

rolled in tight webs of anger

How many tender confessions there

How many insults

How many falsehoods

And what unexplored


deserts of silences

- Anna Kamieńska, Polish poet (from Dictionaries)


Wonderful Week TEN!!! We're at the finish line, y'all! Wishing you all a smooth-sailing dead week - remember rest, rest, rest when you can!

This past week we held our Origami and Tea Social! Thank you for every who was able to make it! We started off by discussing mindfulness and participating in some simple meditation before getting to our origami crafting. It was the first time a handful of our members did origami so it was a bunch of fun sharing this past time with you all. We made the cutest butterflies. Find the full video here to make your own! 🦋

Meet us this Wednesday, March 10th from 11:10-12pm for Meeting 4: Sports COMS with Dr. MLB! Interested in sports and communication? Learn about this fascinating sub-field of COMS with Dr. Megan Lambert-Berndtz and explore the cool research she has to share! This will be the last general meeting of the quarter, so stop-by before we head into spring break! (We might be giving a short preview on the exciting events lined up for Spring Quarter as well...!) Find our full meeting and event calendar here.

If you need any additional support, check out Cal Poly Student Ombuds Services, a confidential line to help answer any university related conflicts or concerns. They can be reached at (805) 756-1380 or (Monday - Friday 10 a.m. to 4:00 p.m). More about there work at:!

Additionally (as always), COMS Club is happy to consider posting your event, survey, or senior project as part of our newsletter. Send us a message at!

Subscribe to our Google Calendar to never miss a meeting! Link to join club meetings:


Upcoming Dates!




2021 SLO Days Summer Crew (Deadline April 4th, 5pm)

2021 WOW Leader Position (Deadline April 18th, 5pm)


Spring Registration Dates (Now Available)! - Reach out to CLA Advising for tips!

Happy Women's History Month! - Find a moment to appreciate and celebrate all the women in your life


Thanks for your continued support of COMS Club! Reach out to us on Instagram @calpolyslocomsclub or our club email at with any questions or just for a chat :)

And as always, take care, and all of us here at COMS Club wish you a great upcoming week! You got this!

Your COMS Club Exec Board,

Shelby, Michelle, Chelsie, Anika, and Sammy

Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for club updates and news Follow our Google Calendar  to be reminded of all our meetings


The Cal Poly SLO COMS Club is the official Communication Studies club for Cal Poly SLO. We celebrate communication studies, supporting mentorship and professional development for the Cal Poly COMS community. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

This newsletter was originally sent to our COMS Weekly Newsletter subscribers on March 8th, 2021. Subscribe here to get your newsletter directly delivered to your email every Monday at noon!


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