Environmental Communication with Dr. K! Check out the informational slides here. If this was interesting to you, you may be interested in COMS 390—Environmental Communication.
For more information or any questions about the class or content, contact Dr. K: <lkolodzi@calpoly.edu> or club president: Amanda <asmit228@calpoly.edu>
Environmental Communication journal https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/renc20/current
International Environmental Communication Association https://theieca.org/
Society for Environmental Journalist https://www.sej.org/
Interesting resources: Virtual Yosemite
Emma Marris, Nature is Everywhere, we just need to learn to see it (TED talk)
Why are humans so bad at thinking about climate change, Vox
Communicating Climate Change: The Path Forward, Susanna Priest—full online access via Kennedy Library
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication
Register for Cal Poly digital Earth Week events:
Earth Day Live 2020: https://www.earthdaylive2020.org/
Earth Day Take Action https://www.earthday.org/take-action-now/#plan