When we have gone the stone will stop singing
April April
Sinks through the sand of names
Days to come
With no stars hidden in them
You that can wait being there
You that lose nothing
Know nothing
— W.S. Merwin, American poet (from April)
Hello hello!
Hoping you're all having a smooth start to your Spring Quarter so far! Let's get right into announcements~
We would like to remind everyone that applications for COMS Club leadership positions have OPENED! We hope to conclude recruitment by Week 4 to allow for adequate time to onboard the upcoming team. Learn more about open positions and the application process on our website: https://comsclubcalpoly.wixsite.com/official/leadership2021.
For those interested in learning more about each position, we will be holding our first general meeting of the quarter THIS Wednesday, April 7th from 11:10am to 12pm PST. Meeting 1: Bookmarks and Questions will be our spring welcome back; we'll be crafting some bookmarks together as well as the current board will answer any and all(!?) questions about running COMS Club, our visions for the future of the club and department, and more information about each position!
Additionally (as always), COMS Club is happy to consider posting your event, survey, or senior project as part of our newsletter. Send us a message at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com!
Link to join club meetings: https://calpoly.zoom.us/j/99668505843
Upcoming Dates!
Addressing Racism and Diversity in Music Institutions (April 8th, 11:10am)
Spring Quarter Career Fair (April 14th and15th)
Career Services: Launching Your Internship Search(Various Dates)
Cal Poly Men & Masculinities Program: Manifest Art Gallery (Deadline April 9th)
2021 WOW Leader Position (Deadline April 18th, 5pm)
Apply to be part of the COMS Club Executive Board TODAY!!
Thanks for your continued support of COMS Club! Reach out to us on Instagram @calpolyslocomsclub or our club email at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com with any questions or just for a chat :)
And as always, take care, and all of us here at COMS Club wish you a great upcoming week! You got this!
Your COMS Club Exec Board,
Shelby, Michelle, Chelsie, Anika, and Sammy
Subscribe to our weekly newsletter for club updates and news Follow our Google Calendar to be reminded of all our meetings
The Cal Poly SLO COMS Club is the official Communication Studies club for Cal Poly SLO. We celebrate communication studies, supporting mentorship and professional development for the Cal Poly COMS community. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at calpolyslocomsclub@gmail.com.
This newsletter was originally sent to our COMS Weekly Newsletter subscribers on April 5th, 2021. Subscribe here to get your newsletter directly delivered to your email every Monday at noon!