Call to order: Meeting called to order at 11:10 AM by Club President Amanda Smith.
From Dr. L-B: Courageous conversations about race — creating group norms
Stay engaged, but also disengagement (What topic did you disengage about? You have a privilege to not listen to that point)
Speak from the “I” perspective; talk about your experience, not others’
Embrace discomfort in difficult conversations
Accept and expect non-closure — What is manageable?
Strive to accomplish goals that our group can achieve
DQ 1: How can we approach people that don’t advocate for social justice?
DQ 2: How can we open up the conversation to other majors on campus?
DQ 3: What do you do when you feel like you want to give up?
Be critical in classes — start the conversation
Spread your knowledge with your family, friends, roommates, etc. — educate those around you
Have a fundamental commitment to the cause — talk to someone who shares your values to get reinspired about why diversity and inclusion matters!
Have, show, and teach empathy
Club Ideas
Be specific at COMS meetings (Talk about hot topics? Bring in a couple COMS concepts to tie in) — What is the goal of this conversation?
Even if people don’t understand the topic at hand, they'll be educated on it when they leave COMS club
Emphasize relevancy in detached roles
Spread the word about COMS Club meetings! — Advertise on Facebook page
Own your major: practice 2-3 sentences to address the question, “What do you do as a COMS major?”
CLA Transfer Student Advising Meeting - Thursday 10/31/19 11:10 - 12 PM
See a member of the exec board to join our GroupMe!
Club dues to become a member are $10
Adjourned: Meeting adjourned at 12:00 PM by Club President Amanda Smith.